Quota Collect

Quench in our hearts, O Lord, all fires of selfishness,
Unfold to us the joys of true friendship,
Open our minds to a better understanding of service,
Teach us the real meaning of sharing,
And help us to hold high those principles of Quota for which we stand
-1942 Quota International, Inc.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Make a Difference Day

October 26th is Make a Difference Day.

QI of Lake County took over the 10:30 session of Clothe a Child.
Clothe a Child (CAC) is a nonprofit organization that pairs a child with a shopper.  Each shopper is given a budget and voucher to take a child shopping for shoes and clothes.  Shopping is done at The Shoe Dept. and JCPenny in the Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, Ohio.  
Shoppers discuss with the parent to see what is most needed.  The kids get to choose their clothes and just enjoy a couple of hours focused on them.
CAC has shopping times Monday - Thursday 5, 5:30, 6 & 6:30pm and Saturday 10:30 & 11am.  All the funds used are from donations to CAC.
This is just one of the local projects that QI of Lake County supports thru service and donations.

Pictured above QI of Lake Co members: (back L-R) Karen Gridley, Kay Hatala, Beki Schreiber, Jill Stadel,
 (seated L-R) Geri Guelich, Richard Stadel.