Quota Collect

Quench in our hearts, O Lord, all fires of selfishness,
Unfold to us the joys of true friendship,
Open our minds to a better understanding of service,
Teach us the real meaning of sharing,
And help us to hold high those principles of Quota for which we stand
-1942 Quota International, Inc.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Installations 5-9-2022

On 5-9-2022 we installed our new officers for our club.
President Karen installed Kathleen, Club Treasurer and Kathi, Foundation Treasurer

Karen installed Cathy as our New Club President

Karen installed Beki as the Club Vice president/Secretary

Karen welcomed 4 new members to our Club, Suzanne and Traci, and Carol and Jackie (who could not be with us that night)

Congratulations to all our new officers and thank you for stepping up to lead our club for the next 2 years.


Finally #32

Our 32nd Chinese Auction finally happened.

The past few years have been difficult for non-profits.  With Covid and locations unable to allow groups, we were not able to hold our auction.
This year we were able to hold it at a new location, day and time.

We held the auction at Chestnut Elementary on Saturday, August 30th. Rather than holding it in the evening it was held in the afternoon.

It was a huge success, and everyone had a great time.  We had a food truck set up outside for our guests to get food.